
SynCircos draws the interactive Circos plot by using selected species and chormosomes.

1. Drawing a plot
(1) Selecting a reference species and chromosomes (or scaffolds)
(2) Selecing a target species and chromosomes (or scaffolds)
(2-1) Adding a target species
(2-2) Removing a target species
(3) Selecting a resolution of synteny blocks
(4) Clicking 'Submit' button to draw the Circos plot
(5) An example of the Circos plot

2. Downloading a plot
(1) Selecting an image format.
(2) Clicking on 'Download' button.


SynBrowser shows synthenic relationships between two chosen species with annotated genes of a reference species.
User can easily navigate the reference chromosomes by using coordinates or genes.

1. Drawing a plot
(1) Selecting a reference species and a chromosome.
(2) Selecting a target species.
(3) Selecting a resolution of synteny blocks.
(4) Clicking 'Submit' button to draw a plot showing pairwise synthenic information.

2. Downloading a plot
(1) Selecting an image format.
(2) Clicking on 'Download' button.

3. Browsing the details of synteny blocks
(1) Obtaining information about synteny blocks
(2) Browsing gene annotation
(3) Obtaining gene information

4. Searching for a specific position in synteny blocks
(1) Selecting a reference chromosome
(2) Searching by using a query gene
(3) Searching by using a coordinate of synteny blocks