FCMM is a pipeline for top-k based functional characterization of multiple metagenome samples to infer the major functions as well as their quantitative scores in a comparative metagenomics manner.


  Source code (Current version is v2.0.0)   download

  1. System requrements

  - Perl (v5.10.1)
  - awk (GNU awk 3.1.7)
  - sed (GNU sed 4.2.1)
  - BWA (v0.7.10)
  - DIAMOND (v0.7.8.57)
  - Trimmomatic (v0.33)

  2. Install

  >tar xvf fcmm_v2.0.0.tar

  >cd fcmm_v2.0.0


  3. Run

  >fcmm [module] [parameter file]

  4. Module description

  makedb module is for making database from reference sequence files. DNA sequences or protein sequences are used to be a reference. RefSeq protein or RefSeq CDS are used for analyses using FCMM.

   - RefSeq protein download
   - RefSeq CDS download
  makeAn module is for makgin annotation files to be used in single sample analyses of FCMM. The required data files can be obtained from the links described below.

   - GFF download
   - ID mapping download
   - GO download

  single module is for single sample analyses.

  multi module is for a multi-sample anlsysis.

  5. Parameter file

  The details of pameter file are descripbed in 'ex_parameter.txt' file in the source code.

  6. Example workflow

  >./fcmm makedb param.txt

  >./fcmm makeAn param.txt

  >./fcmm single param.txt

  >./fcmm multi param.txt
